Thursday, January 10, 2013

What are Some Fun Date Ideas?

Ever since Cole and I started dating the amount of TV I watch has skyrocketed. He was pretty much raised by television, so having it on for hours and hours every day is just natural to him, whereas before we moved in together I didn't even OWN a TV. So, in order to keep us from being completely sedentary and in the hopes of preventing us from getting stuck in a rut, I thought it would be fun to initiate a "TV-free day" every week. Or, at least a TV-free HALF day, during which we would do something fun that gets us off the couch and maybe even out of the apartment.

What I thought would be a good way to keep things spontaneous but still helps us out if we ended up blanking on what we should do with our TV-free time is if we wrote down an assortment of random activities on little slips of paper and put those slips of paper in a hat, or bag, or some other such receptacle. Then, at the appropriate time, we can simply draw out one idea and do whatever it says on the paper. Yesterday I wrote down about sixty ideas, and while some of them I came up with on my own, I did need a little help in the creativity department. So, I searched the internet for what other people thought made for a great date. 

Some of the ideas for "things to do with your mate" were obviously posted by crazy people and/or teenagers, and were completely ridiculous for a couple who has been together for over a year now. But I found that if I was persistent and scrolled past the idiot ideas I did occasionally come across a thought or suggestion that tickled my fancy. In case you were curious, here are some of the activities that I threw in the hat: 

take a midnight walk

take family pictures with Butters

fool around on guitars together

go to a g-rated movie 
go for a meal at a restaurant chosen from the phone book based on its name alone

slow-dance together

film a nature documentary 

feed the geese

play Scrabble

have a hangman or tic tac toe tournament

make bucket lists

visit Mamaw and Ed

Naturally, I ALSO think it would be fun to document our experiences, so every week there should be a post in this blog that doesn't exactly follow the usual question-and-answer structure, but I hope whoever reads this will enjoy the posts nonetheless. And of course, feel free to offer up any of your own recommendations for things you like to do with your own significant others. 

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